What is microsoft mesh mixed reality?

What is microsoft mesh mixed reality?

March 12, 2021 by Martin Sukhor
Hello readers, have you ever heard of what is Microsoft mesh mixed reality? During the pandemic, where many people carry out activities from home. The Zoom application, and also Meeting are popular applications and many people use them for virtual conferences. But the application only displays video images on a computer or smartphone screen. Microsoft
what is microsoft mesh mixed reality

Hello readers, have you ever heard of what is Microsoft mesh mixed reality? During the pandemic, where many people carry out activities from home. The Zoom application, and also Meeting are popular applications and many people use them for virtual conferences. But the application only displays video images on a computer or smartphone screen.

Microsoft Mesh offers something different. Developing an application allows being able to carry out conversations using a hologram.

If you are a fan of fantasy movies where someone appears as a holographic image. Then Microsoft Mesh a mixed reality. It seems very interesting huh.

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Microsoft mesh explained

Mesh, is a new cloud-based service that is to simplify the creation of multi-user XR applications.

Mesh became the foundation for building multi-user XR applications. After being offered under cloud computing enterprise Microsoft Azure.

This tool will offer the developer a framework or framework to connect users with communal tools.

Microsoft created the Microsoft Mesh demonstration application which will be available on the Microsoft Store. The function of this application is similar to a collaborative virtual workspace, allowing users to jointly view, discuss and annotate shared 3D images.

Microsoft mesh introduction trailer

More powerful than Zoom and Google Meet, which conduct online meetings using a network to connect with each other, now Microsoft is creating new software so that you can interact with their avatars in a virtual room and send “objects” to each other.

Microsoft service mesh interface

Citing from Microsoft’s Cloud blog, Service Mesh Interface (SMI) is a common portable API set that provides interoperability for developers across a variety of service mesh technologies including Istio, Linkerd, and Consul Connect.

SMI is an open project in partnership with Microsoft, Linkerd, HashiCorp, Solo.io, Kinvolk, and Weaveworks; with support from Aspen Mesh, Canonical, Docker, Pivotal, Rancher, Red Hat, and VMware.

SMI services include:

  • The standard interface for mesh in Kubernetes.
  • A basic feature set on the most common mesh uses.
  • Flexibility to support new mesh capabilities over time.
  • Space for the ecosystem to innovate with mesh technology.

Microsoft mesh supported devices

microsoft mesh hololens 2Microsoft Mesh currently uses a supported device called Hololens 2. with Windows 10 version 2004 2004 (build 19041) or higher.

HoloLens works as a mixed reality that utilizes holographic technology.

Hololens has made an update from the Hololens 1 version as the first generation and has made an update to the HoloLens 2 version.

With Hololens 2 users can experience new innovations with the aim of working smarter.

There are several products in Hololens 2 like Hololens device only and Hololens with a remote assist.

In the future, Mesh will be possible available on smartphones, PCs, and Macs.

Is Microsoft mesh real?

With the slogan, “you can actually feel like you are in the same place”, Microsoft Mesh wants to turn mixed reality into the technology of the future.

Mesh is a collaborative platform that allows more than one person to enjoy the same virtual experience, whether people are in the same room, or even in different countries. According to Microsoft, this has actually been their initial idea since they took mixed reality seriously.

To exemplify the capabilities of Mesh, Microsoft uses the term Holoportation, which allows people to appear as holograms in a virtual space.

So when you put on the HoloLens 2 headset, you will see your friend appearing next to you as a hologram, and vice versa, even though in reality we live in different countries, for example.


At present, holoportation is still not fully publicly available. Instead, the initial version of Microsoft Mesh will use a virtual avatar from the AltspaceVR platform that Microsoft acquired in 2017.

Even though the user only sees the theme as an avatar, both of them can still interact with the same virtual objects (holograms), as if we are really next to each other.

Think of it as a much more advanced version of the share screen feature in many video conferencing applications.

Microsoft Mesh Azure

Mesh is built on the Microsoft Azure cloud architecture. This means that the holographic content we see actually doesn’t come from the device we use, but is streamed from the cloud.

The Microsoft Mesh service uses the cloud so that multiple devices can access it from a VR headset to a smartphone. Although what will feel the most immersive is when using a mixed reality headset like HoloLens 2 earlier.

During the announcement, Microsoft invited people from Niantic Labs to demonstrate the Pokemon GO experience using HoloLens 2 and the Mesh platform.

The demonstration is nothing more than a proof-of-concept, but it can still demonstrate the potential for wide application of Mesh.

Microsoft mesh mixed reality

Microsoft Mesh is a technology platform that allows users to connect with a presence, share across spaces, and collaborate in an immersive way as if they were directly regardless of physical location.

Using the Microsoft mesh takes users to enjoy chat far beyond Zoom’s video chat and into a holographic experience that everyone can follow.

Users can take advantage of Mesh to enhance virtual meetings, conduct virtual design sessions, help better remotely, learn together virtually, host virtual meetings.

Microsoft Mest Better than zoom

Microsoft Mesh has an advantage over Zoom because a person appears to be present in 3D which can be transformed into a representative avatar through the device’s inside-outside sensor.

The platform is equipped with an avatar kit and customization studio so you can use existing avatars.

And each avatar can capture accurate movements and expressions consistent with the user’s actions.

Various Devices allow connecting Microsoft mesh

Mesh uses the most realistic 360-degree holoportation term. There are external sensors in the form of special camera settings such as Mixed Reality Capture Studio that help capture our body measurements in 3D with full fidelity.

Through Azure Kinect, it will function to perfect the results of the representation of a person’s holographic form that has been fully captured. Once the hologram is produced, it can be used in Mesh-enabled applications such as VR headsets or a wide variety of other devices. With this ability, users can communicate with each other and be present in the real situation with ease.

Microsoft Mesh Makes a Different Virtual Experience

The head of Microsoft’s Mixed Reality, Greg Sullivan, said his team wanted to create a different experience in virtual chatting.

Even though physically not in the same place. But users will feel like they are in the same room, sharing experiences, and collaborating on a project.

Microsoft further said it will offer developers AI-powered tools in the coming months to help them deal with things like spatial rendering, session management, and holoportation.

Sullivan argues that there are still many things that are still a puzzle in the development of this product by Microsoft.

Microsoft mesh pokemon go

In collaboration with Niantic, Microsoft Mesh uses the Pokemon Go game.

The demo shows how HoloLens users can see a Pokémon in the wild and then feed it berries. Through Hololens, there are several menus that HoloLens users use to access the game.

But this is only a demo and not for public users, but at least the description of this application will be like that in the future.

Microsoft mesh launch date

In the Microsoft Ignite conference host Alex Kipman announce to the launching of Microsoft Mesh on March 2, 2021.

The presence of Microsoft Mesh technology is certainly a breath of fresh air for all of us. Although this technology is still in the development stage and it will take time to be massively adopted. The platform is built on top of Microsoft Azure. Enabling developers to build immersive, multi-user, cross-platform mixed reality applications.

Stay Connected Despite Distances

Microsoft Mesh is a technology platform that allows users to connect with a presence, share across spaces, and collaborate in an immersive way as if they were directly regardless of physical location. The company founded by Bill Gates wants to take users from enjoying chat beyond Zoom to video chat and into a holographic experience that everyone can participate in.

Users can take advantage of Mesh to enhance virtual meetings. Conduct virtual design sessions, help better remotely, study together virtually, host virtual social gatherings and gatherings.

Microsoft Mesh allows a person to be present in 3D. It will transform into a representative avatar through the device’s inside-outside sensor. The platform is equipped with an avatar kit and customization studio so you can use existing avatars. In addition, each avatar can capture the movements and expressions of a user.

Support to connect with multiple devices

In addition to avatars, Mesh also allows for the most realistic 360-degree holoportation. There are external sensors in the form of a special camera. Set up such as Mixed Reality Capture Studio that help capture our body measurements in 3D with full fidelity.

Through Azure Kinect, it will function to perfect the results of the representation of a person’s holographic form that has been fully captured. Once the hologram is produced, it can be used in Mesh-enabled applications such as VR headsets. Or a wide variety of other devices. With this ability, users can communicate with each other. And be present in the real situation easily.

Microsoft mesh development

The technology by Microsoft Mesh becomes a vision that seems to be real. If we are like to watching fictional films, this will become real in real life through the Microsoft Mesh device.

However, for now, the price tag for a Hololens is still as high as $ 3500.

However, the development team can make conditions change. Because this is an open-source project. So that the role of the developer will provide more opportunities for application on other devices.

Microsoft mesh download

Citing from the official Microsoft site, to download Microsoft Mesh all the requirements must be met.

Minimum ARM architecture, DirectX version 10. To enable downloading files, you must log in to your Microsoft account, either by email, phone, or Skype.

Here download page.

Final thought

New innovation continues to be carried out in technology. Through Microsoft Mesh, it will bring new experiences to users. For conferences, video calls, even games, even though everything is close to real.

However, currently, Microsoft Mesh is only a framework and still needs further development.

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