Andrew carnegie wealth

Andrew carnegie wealth

Business Media
May 26, 2020 by Martin Sukhor
What is the total Andrew Carnegie wealth? He is one of the richest people in the world, his name is not as famous as Bill Gates or Rothschild. But he is a philanthropist who is extraordinary and even considered crazy. Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, England to a family of weavers who lived rough.
andrew carnegie wealth

What is the total Andrew Carnegie wealth? He is one of the richest people in the world, his name is not as famous as Bill Gates or Rothschild. But he is a philanthropist who is extraordinary and even considered crazy.

Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, England to a family of weavers who lived rough. Since childhood, Carnegie has helped his family. By working as a substitute for bobbins in a cotton factory with his father. At the age of 10 years, the Carnegie family decided to look for a better life by moving to Pennsylvania, America.

In 1850 Carnegie switched jobs in the field of communication by becoming a messenger for a Telegraph Office in Pittsburg. One thing Carnegie himself did not realize at that time was that the world was seeing multi-billionaire candidates walking from house to house delivering messages. While memorizing the heads of various business locations in Pittsburg and the faces of important figures and industrialists they encountered.

From the connections with these entrepreneurs, he started to build a business that then grew and became big.

Andrew carnegie

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Andrew Carnegie biodata

Wikipedia says Andrew Carnegie is a businessman in the Scottish-American industrial world. Andrew Carnegie is a big businessman and a big philanthropist. He was one of the most famous leaders of the industry in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. When he was still a child with his parents he immigrated to the United States.

Andrew Carnegie Born on November 25, 1835, at Fife, Scotland, England, and died 11 August 1919 at Lenox, Massachusetts, United States, Serves as Chairman & CEO, Berkshire Hathaway. Andrew Carnegie’s wife is Louise Whitfield Carnegie.

With family is Daughter: Margaret Carnegie Miller, Grandchildren: Roswell Miller III, Louise Carnegie Miller, Margaret Morrison Miller, Barbara Miller.

If most rich people have bloodlines from rich people, then it’s not surprising. But the story of Andrew Carnegie is very different. This Scottish man does not have the inheritance of many or more children adopted by a millionaire, he started his crazy achievements from a very low point.

In his biography explained that Carnegie was originally just a factory worker. Blue-collar work and classified as menial jobs and only rely on energy alone. Het gets earning is also very small. But, Carnegie like never despair. Even though he is just a rough laborer, but his dream to become a great person and be useful for many people always motivates him to achieve success.

Andrew Carnegie from Labor Becomes the Richest Man

Somebody can be forever in the same place or shot away depending on himself. Andrew Carnegie deeply believes this quote. His status may be a laborer, but his desire to be more so strong.

At that time Carnegie was still an errand boy, but slowly but surely he began to build his own business. He began to build the Pittsburgh Carnegie Steel Company.

From these efforts, he also did not immediately become the richest person. But Andrew Carnegie instead struggled even harder. After building his own company, Carnegie then made a brilliant maneuver by merging his business with several other similar companies.

From the merger of the company was born US Steel, which is considered as one of the most classy steel companies in American history. Along with the growth of US Steel, Andrew Carnegie also managed to raise a lot of money.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Andrew Carnegie could see friends from his old factory still struggling with sweat just for a meager salary.

Business career process

In 1850, Carnegie worked in the field of communication by delivering the message of a Telegraph Office in Pittsburg. It only took a year for Carnegie to be promoted as a special telegraph operator at a Railway company based in Pennsylvania.

This promotion was because he diligently practiced to the point of being able to translate telegraph messages simply by listening to them. At that time, Carnegie was just turning 18 years old. But his promotion and position were similar to senior employees when he was appointed as a supervisor for the Pittsburg division and earned a lot of money.

Entering 1855, Carnegie began actively buying shares of other companies and obtaining money from these investments.

In 1863, Carnegie left the world of the railroad and began to explore the new world of business and stocks: iron and oil.

In 1886, Carnegie married Louise Whitfield, who was 20 years younger than him.

At the beginning of the 20th century, when he was 66 years old, Carnegie decided to retire and spend time being a philanthropist. Known to be very disliked of saving wealth from earning business. He very generous, Carnegie seems to find a new spirit in life by actively participating in various charitable and educational activities.

Andrew Carnegie friends

Andrew Carnegie’s friends to many humanist figures such as Matthew Arnold, Herbert Spencer, and Mark Twain increasingly influenced Carnegie’s philanthropic views. That was also increasingly keen to pour out business results for social activities, charity, and public education.

In the final days of the life of the sole owner of the steel empire in the United States.

On August 11, 1919, Andrew Carnegie, son of a lower-class weaver family who managed to elevate himself to be one of the richest men in the world thanks to endless perseverance and hard work, died in Lenox, Massachusetts.

By the end of his life, this philanthropist had donated $ 350,695,653 of his wealth to various charities, social activities, educational institutions, and scientific research. The bodies of industrialists, humanists, and inspirators for the world are buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, North Tarrytown, New York.

Andrew Carnegie, Unknown Rich Man

Andrew Carnegie likes to use a simple black suit with the face of the style of old men of the 18th century has been very successful in hiding the identity of Andrew Carnegie.

Andrew Carnegie rich man unknownPeople are more emphasis on John D Rockefeller for the status of the richest man. But, in fact, it was Carnegie who looked like a factory worker that was the richest man.

The exact amount of money is still vague, but clearly, Andrew Carnegie’s net worth its value reaches billions of dollars. Carnegie owned the money in the early 19th century when the value of the dollar was still very low. So for example converted to today’s exchange rate, against Malaysian Ringgit. The value is maybe we need to widen the row in Microsoft Excel to 10 centimeters to load the zero row.

Andrew Carnegie is a crazy philanthropist

Maybe now the world has known a philanthropist named Bill Gates who has funded WHO and also founded the Melinda Gates Foundation. But when someone asked Bill Gates if he would be Andrew Carnegie. Bill Gates seems not ready to answer so he is reluctant to read the question.

Andrew Carnegie was a crazy philanthropist, instead of spending his money to satisfy his passions, Carnegie did the opposite. He donated a lot of money. The amount is very large, even very large we can make a company as big as Apple or Microsoft from that money. Not only nicknamed the crazy philanthropist, but Carnegie was also the first philanthropist in the world.

Although he became the richest man, instead he was nervous with that kind of money. Andrew Carnegie realized that the industrial era in his time brought bad things in the social and economic order. Because what happens is the rich get richer, while the poor remain poor. Then he moved to balance it through his wealth.

Initially maybe only millions of dollars, but he did it intensely and getting bigger each time. Until the peak was when he died. Carnegie entrusted about 90 percent of his wealth to be dedicated. Really a crazy man giving charity.

Andrew Carnegie’s alms money to build campuses and libraries

Andrew Carnegie’s wealth. Not only in the form of money, but Carnegie also inherited his wealth for something important. Then later from the money he gave, built campuses and also libraries.

Although only a former factory employee, Carnegie loves science. Maybe he never went to school on campus, but from his money was born world-class scientists. Mellon University is a campus built with charity money from Carnegie. This is the campus of one of the best research universities in the world. Every time this campus always produces a lot of inventions and knowledge for the benefit of all people.

As for libraries, there are at least 2,800 reading centers that stand on their behalf. One quote from him is that whatever we can do as long as we are happy is called success.

Gospel of Wealth by Andrew Carnegie

What is interesting about Carnegie? He was very generous and gave a new perspective on current generosity.

In June 1889, Carnegie wrote an article titled Gospel of Wealth in North American Review magazine. In Andrew Carnegie’s view, the wealth obtained by anyone must have a meaning in human life. The quote giving more value to Andrew Carnegie’s wealth.

First of gospel

Wealth must be used as much as possible to help people in need. The wealth that is inherited only to his children and grandchildren is a big mistake. An unforgivable sin.

Getting rich is everyone’s right writes Carnegie in the Gospel of Wealth. And that is good. But if you die only as a rich person, you are very despicable. If you want to be honorable, leave it in the condition that your assets have been distributed to help the people, that is, those who are in need.

Second, of gospel

Alms must be given in an effective and strategic way. The recipient of alms must later be able to help himself. Don’t give alms that the recipient will depend on for life. Or in other words give them fishing rods, not just fish. Help them be good at fishing so they can find their own fish later.

A third of the gospel

The best donation to help the community is to help education. The education of the dignity of individuals and society will be lifted. Education is not only a fishing pole but also equality and human dignity.

That’s the introduction of the Gospel of Wealth. Carnegie himself gave 90% of his wealth to charity. Elevated families may not receive more than 10%.

According to Andrew Carnegie, overflowing children with so much wealth that is not the result of his own sweat is a bad thing.

For his mindset expressed in the Gospel of Wealth, Andrew Carnegie was awarded the Father of Modern Charity. The holy book of wealth by Andrew Carnegie later became a guide for charities around the world.

Andrew Carnegie is the idol of Bill Gates

Bill Gates is reportedly also inspired by Andrew Carnegie’s generosity. Reportedly Bill Gates also often carried a photo of Andrew Carnegie in his wallet.

But Bill Gates’ generosity is currently being tested after he became a conspiracy behind the coronavirus pandemic, the purity of his generosity is still a question of whether he sincerely contributes, or there is a business desire for what he donates.

Someone named Mardigu Wowiek once said that he had the opportunity to ask Bill Gates anything by writing on a paper that Bill Gates would choose to get an answer at a lunch at a hotel in Jakarta.

When Bill Gates chose the question paper he was overwhelmed with the questions asked, would you be like Andrew Carnegie? Bill Gates wanted to skip the question And ask who Mardigu Wowiek is. But everyone forced him to just read the question and answer it.

The incident shows that Bill Gates seems not ready to answer the question. So it is still questionable whether he is truly a philanthropist or just pretending to be a philanthropist.

Andrew Carnegie Quotes

As a philanthropist and successful entrepreneur he often gives valuable quotes that can be an inspiration for the day.

The secret to happiness is renunciation.

Suppose you are on the verge of unparalleled success. A whole, clear, and noble life is before you. achieve it

Great power is obtained by convincing yourself that you were born to control various matters.

All principles can be compromised to serve the greater principle, the strong person knows when he must compromise

Focus all your energy, thoughts and capital, put all the eggs in one basket and watch it, that is the essence of the wise

There is no one who will make a great business by doing it all yourself or getting all the credit.

People who can’t think are fools. People who don’t dare are slaves.

Don’t seek approval unless awareness is to do your best.

Little success with only a little laughter.

There’s nothing so sad about people who only have money and nothing else.

Even if you try to push someone up a ladder, he will not move if he does not go up little by himself

Successful people are people who have chosen a line and are loyal to it

Competition is sometimes difficult for individuals, but it’s the best way to a race because it ensures the strongest survival in every department.

I would immediately leave my child as a curse if I consider an almighty dollar.

 Next quote

Don’t try to be rich, but try to be useful. Let your boss feel proud that your daily work is on the line of progress and improvement; that your work, in whatever capacity it is, is useful work that is done honestly and glorifies your life

Wealth is to help feed hungry people and help others in helping themselves, wealth is not food for personal egoism

Excess wealth is a sacred trust in which the owner is bound to manage throughout his life for the good of his community

Success can be achieved in every field of work. There is always space above in every chase.

You cannot succeed if you cannot recognize the best people who can do it, you cannot succeed by doing your work alone, its a secret success

The average person only puts 25% of the energy and abilities he has in his work. The world will respect those who place more than 50% of their capacity and the world will stand on its head for those who devote their lives 100%

Final Thought

There is no doubt if Andrew Carnegie’s wealth. The life story of Andrew Carnegie is very inspiring to everyone that success in a business career is not because he was born as a businessman’s son, but success is from within himself as the main motivator.

Departing from the lowest point to reach the peak of glory with the plundering of abundant money does not make him a selfish person.

Only about 10% of the wealth that he left to his children and 90% of the money from business profits was donated to the public to build a famous library and campus in the United States.

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